The Most Affordable Ceramic Decal Printers Available!
Our Ceramic Decal printers produce high quality Images and photographs
in color and true black and white, fired on ceramic surfaces including pottery, tiles and most other fired ceramic pieces, such as mugs, plagues, bowls cups etc. Ceramic decals are ultra-durable, corrosion resistance and can be used in outdoor applications. We will send you a free sample decal of your image so you can see the what our printers can do.
All of our Ceramic Laser Printers are new and come with technical and operational support
for everything someone would need to know to produce ceramic decals.
This includes guidance on how to use the printer along with how to create, apply and fire decals. In addition, all of our printers come with professional photo editing software, along with support using the software.
Contact us for any questions and get a very fast reply.
Get In Touch
tel:1 (575) 640-7580
All printers are made to order and therefore cannot be returned.
"Top of the Line"
Ceramic Color Laser "Office" Printer
Color Laser Printer.
Starting at $3799 with CMYK Toners
$3899 for CRYK toners.
Our best ceramic decal printer:
A very durable Office Printer with outstanding color image quality and enhanced printing of 1200x2400 DPI. Perfect for printing HD quality ceramic decals.
Colored Touch Screen Easy to use
Prints Fast with 2 GB Memory and 1.05GHz ARM Dual-Core Processor
High Speed USB Port 3.0 -Print directly from Flash Drive
Best in Class touchscreen User Interface
35 ppm and 13 second first print out.
Large print size of 14” x 8.5” Legal
High Duty Cycle of 85000 prints per month (built to last)
Ceramic Color Laser
"Studio" Printer
Our most popular model and the most affordable Ceramic Decal printer on the market.
$3399.00 CMYK Toner and $3499 with CRYK Toner - Converted for producing high resolution digital ceramic decals with USB or Ethernet connectivity. Easy to use with impressive results (50,000 prints per month duty cycle.) A very reliable and well made printer to handle all of your studio decal needs.
Wifi Printing Hardware: add $100.